Meet the board!
I’m Frans Perkkola and I’m the chair of Polijazz of 2025. The chair role consists mainly of planning the courses and other association activities together with the rest of the board. I’ve been in contact with our teachers and coordinated the association in general.
I’m Ida Granö the treasurer who is responsible for handling course registrations and payments and for Polijazz’s bookkeeping. It’s a great role for learning about the finances of an association in a safe and friendly environment.
I’m Veeti Kittamaa, the marketing person of Polijazz 2025. My jobs include marketing our dance courses through flyers and social media and also informing everyone about all the events Polijazz organizes and attends. The role gives a good understanding of how to get people involved and excited.
I’m Peter Abreu the Webmaster who’s role is to update/create the websites information and layouts, maintaining the web hosting services insuring they stay active and creating email connections for board members. It is an interesting role for those who want to experience internet of things(IoT) website management with extra hosting knowledge nuggets to learn.